Felsenmusick - The Weblog of Daniel Felsenfeld
The Web Log of a Certain Daniel Felsenfeld: Composer, critic, avid reader, aspiring
bon vivant, capricorn, shadowy figure, advice for the lovelorn

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

And Once Again...

The Hon. David Rakowski, whose third piano trio (unnamed? It is hard to find such information) will be performed at Merkin Hall on Monday, December 19 circa 8pm, has also coined some fantastic new musical terms. Soon I shall be accused (and Davy, pardon my poetic license with your neologiana) of barfbacking the entirety of Davy's site, but really, it is just so screamingly funny that my countless millions of readers/fans/staunch admirers/blogospheric amigos/wellwishers/patrons/deep seated admirers should read it cover to cover (to decoin a phrase).


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